Name of the Professor : DR. MINAKSHI TAMULI
Designation : Assistant Professor
Department Name : Assamese
Basic Information
a.  Date of birth 23-05-1970
b.  Address(Present) Mayang Anchalik College, Rajamayang, Morigaon , Assam
c.  Address (Permanent) Seuj Nagar, Narengi Housing Colony, Bye lane No. 08, Shiva Mandir Path, Narengi , Guwahati- 26
d.  Date of appointment 12-12-1996
e.  Designation Assistant Professor
f.  Membership Asom Sahitya Sabha, Sadau Asom Lekhika Samaruh


Academic information
a. Educational Qualification M.A.,  P.hD
b. Area of Specialization Assamese, Language
Research Works
Title of M.A. Dissertation গুৰুচৰিত কথাৰ স্থাননাম : এটি ভাষাতাত্বিক সমালোচনা
Title of Ph.D. Thesis মায়ঙৰ লোক-সাহিত্য : মন্ত্ৰ সাহিত্যৰ বিশেষ অধ্যয়ণ
Minor/ Major Research Projects : Minor
Topic/ Title মায়ঙৰ লোকগীত : এটি বিশ্লেষনাত্মক অধ্যয়ন
Year of grant received Amount sanctioned
27-03-2015 1,45,000/-
Professional Development Course
Course Sponsored Organized Year
OP UGC Academic Staff College (GU) 28th July-24 August, 2014
RC UGC Human Resource Development Centre 12th-22th Nov, 2015
Book Publication
Name of the Book ISBN Publisher Year
সাহিত্য বিপঞ্চী (গ্ৰন্থ) 978-93-83308-74-3 অজিত কুমাৰ ৰয়, শব্দ প্ৰকাশ, ২০১৭

Research Guided:

Research Guided in M.A., MASS COM from Idol, the topic of Dissertation: Study of Contribution of Dr. Bhupen Hazarika to field of Mass Media in reference to his literary Journals, songs and film work, 2019.

Workshop :

Electronics & ICT Academy, supported by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (meaty) Govt. of India, IIT Guwahati, supported from skill, Gym(OPC) Pvt. Ltd.
24-29 June, 2019
Ref No: EICT-110/2019-20/FDP/104

1. SLM writing: 31/07/2019

SLM writing for Gauhati University IDOL- BA Regular Programme.

ASM-AE-1014              Unit Number=II                      Medium Assamese

2. Indian Social Science and Humanities Congress 2019

(5th International Summit) on 7th to 8th Sep. 2019

Unique Author ID : ASM 19236020

মহাপুৰুষ শংকৰদেৱৰ ধৰ্ম আৰু দৰ্শন : কেইটিমান নতুন চিন্তা

3. Training of Teachers for Students Induction Programme 8th to 10th August 2019

4. Workshop : 04-09-2019

Method of Assessment and Accreditation by National Assessment and Accreditation Council.



1. "মন্ত্ৰ সাহিত্যত প্ৰতিফলিত সমাজ " (National Seminar 6/7th July, 2012)

2. "ফকৰা যোজনাৰ সম্প্ৰসাৰিত লোকজ্ঞান আৰু অভিজ্ঞতাৰ স্বৰূপ : মায়ং অঞ্চলত প্ৰচলিত ফকৰা যোজনাৰ বিশেষ উল্লিখনৰে" (National Seminar 4/5th August, 2012)

3. "যুদ্ধত্তোৰ যুগৰ অসমীয়া ছুটিগল্পত নাৰী জীৱনৰ প্ৰতিফলন" ( মহিম বৰাৰ গল্পৰ বিশেষ উল্লেখেৰে) (National Seminar 29/30 th August, 2012)

4. "মন্ত্ৰ, লোক-ঔষধি আৰু লোকজীৱন " (National Seminar 17/18 th August, 2012)


1. "গুৰুচৰিত কথাৰ স্থাননাম : এটি ভাষাতাত্বিক আলোচনা January 2012, কমৰূপা , ষটত্ৰিংশত্তম সংখ্যা, সম্পাদক : ডিম্বেশ্বৰ পাঠক ।



1. "চৰ্যাপদ আৰু সমকালীন ভাষা সাহিত্য সংস্কৃতি " 16/17 th March, 2013.

2. "লক্ষ্মীনাথ বেজবৰুৱাৰ প্ৰবন্ধত আধুনিকতাৰ উল্লেখ " 6/7th November,2013


1. "যুদ্ধত্তোৰ যুগৰ অসমীয়া চুটিগল্পত নাৰী জীৱনৰ প্ৰতিফলন" ( মহিম বৰাৰ গল্পৰ বিশেষ উল্লিখনৰে"-

গ্ৰন্থ: যুদ্ধত্তোৰ যুগৰ অসমীয়া চুটিগল্পত আৰ্থ-সামাজিক জীৱনৰ প্ৰতিফলন

সম্পাদক : বিপ্লৱ ডেকা

প্ৰকাশক : অসমীয়া বিভাগ , বৰভাগ মহাবিদ্যালয়

ISBN: 978-81-910812-8-2

November, 2013

2. প্ৰবন্ধ: লক্ষ্মীনাথ বেজবৰুৱাৰ প্ৰবন্ধত আধুনিকতাৰ উন্মেষ, জানুৱাৰী, ২০১৩.



1. "হিতেশ ডেকাৰ 'আজিৰ মানুহ' উপন্যাসত সমাজ-বাস্তৱ" (National Seminar 12/13th May, 2014)

2. "পূব ভাৰতৰ মধ্যযুগীয়া বৈষ্ণৱ পদাৱলীত শংকৰদেৱৰ বিৰহগীতৰ স্থান" ( National Seminar 2/3rd July, 2014)

3. Human Security in the 21st Century India with Special Reference to north east (Participant) 11th October, 2014.

Higher Degree Obtained:

PhD. Degree (04-12-2014) from Gauhati University

Title: মায়ঙৰ লোকসাহিত্য : মন্ত্ৰ সাহিত্যৰ বিশেষ অধ্যয়ন ।

3. Orientation Programme: Gauhati University 28th July-24th August, 2014.

4. Article:

1. "হিতেশ ডেকাৰ 'আজিৰ মানুহ' উপন্যাসত সমাজ-বাস্তৱতা"

গ্ৰন্থ: হিতেশ ডেকাৰ উপন্যাসত সমাজ-বাস্তৱতা

সম্পাদক : ড° ভদ্ৰকান্ত বৰা

প্ৰকাশক : অসমীয়া বিভাগ, ৰূপহী কলেজ

May, 2014

ISBN: 978-81-928310-1-5

2. "পূবভাৰতীয় বৈষ্ণৱ পদাৱলীত মহাপুৰুষ শংকৰদেৱৰ 'বিৰহগীত'ৰ স্থান

Book: Place of Assam in Indian Society, Culture and Economy. Volume-I, 3rd july, 2014

Editor: Dr. Gajendra Adhikary

Dr. Nara Kanta Adhikary

ISBN: 978-81-202-8766-2

5. Workshop:

Research Project writing May 9/10,2014



1. "অসমত বৈষ্ণৱ ধৰ্মৰ ঐতিহ্য (প্ৰাকশংকৰী যুগৰ পৰা উত্তৰ শংকৰী যুগলৈ) (National Seminar 26/27th June, 2015)

2. "অসমত বৈষ্ণৱ ধৰ্মৰ পৰম্পৰা (National Seminar 9-10th September, 2015)


1. হেম বৰুৱাৰ কবিতাত নাৰী জীৱনৰ চিত্ৰণ

গ্ৰন্থ: অসম গৌৰৱ হেম বৰুৱাৰ কৃতি আৰু কৃতিত্ব

সম্পাদক : ড° প্ৰফুল্ল কুমাৰ নাথ

জুন, ২০১৫ , অসম বুক ডিপো

2. "অসমত বৈষ্ণৱ ধৰ্মৰ ঐতিহ্য (প্ৰাকশংকৰী যুগৰ পৰা উত্তৰ শংকৰী যুগলৈকে)

Book: Writing of Regional History of North East India, Polity, Society and Economy. Volume I, 20

Editor: Mr. Dhanya Ram Roy

Mr. Robin Kumar Kalita

Published by Mayang Anchalik College

3. অসমৰ শৈৱ ধৰ্মৰ ইতিহাস

Book: Diversity and Integrity of North East India, Volume I.

Published by Karmashree H.S. College

ISBN: 978-93-81139-05-9

Editor: Dr. Sikhamoni Konwar

3. Refresher Course:

Gauhati Univeraity (12th -22 th November, 2015)



1. " মায়ঙৰ মন্ত্ৰ আৰু সৰ্প দংশনৰ চিকিৎসা হিচাপে ইয়াৰ ব্যৱহাৰিক প্ৰয়োগ " (National Seminar 26/27th Feb, 2016)

2. "পদ্মনাথ গোহাঞিবৰুৱাৰ 'লাহৰী' উপন্যাসত সমাজ-বাস্তৱতা " (National Seminar 27/28th June, 2016)

3. "ভাৰতীয় বৈষ্ণৱ পদাৱলীত মাধৱদেৱৰ বৰগীত : এটি তুলনাত্মক অধ্যয়ন" (National Seminar 1/2th July, 2016)


1. অসমত শক্তি সাধনা আৰু দুৰ্গা গোসানীৰ নাম , October, 2016
স্মৃতিগ্ৰন্থ : শাৰদীয় সুৱাস

2. নীলমণি ফুকনৰ কবিতা 'মুঠি মুঠিকৈ কাটি তোৰ ঢেঁকীয়াৰ আঙুলি' কবিতাত কাৰুণ্য আৰু কাব্যিক সৌন্দৰ্য

গ্ৰন্থ : প্ৰবন্ধ বীথিকা

অসমীয়া সাহিত্য চ'ৰা, অসমীয়া বিভাগ, নাৰেঙ্গী আঞ্চলিক মহাবিদ্যালয়

ISBN : 978-93-81859-45-2

2 September, 2016

3. Workshop:

1. Relevence of Spritual Knowledge in Higher Education (Natioanl) 3rd February, 2016.

2. Fund Mobilisation and Training Programme of MSME in Assam (National) 21-22 June, 2016.

3. Higher Education and Problem of Quality Assurance. 9th September, 2016.



1. ৰজামায়াঙৰ ধৰ্মীয় গীতপদ : এটি বিশ্লেষনাত্মক অধ্যয়ন. April, 2017

স্মৃতিগ্ৰন্থ : ব'হাগ, ৰজামায়ং

2. 'মায়াঙৰ লোক-সাহিত্য: এটি বিশ্লেষনাত্মক অধ্যয়ন' August, 2017

স্মৃতিগ্ৰন্থ : তন্ত্ৰম

সম্পাদক : ড° উৎপল নাথ

3. 'সৰ্পমন্ত্ৰ আৰু ইয়াৰ ব্যৱহাৰিক প্ৰয়োগ । August, 2017

4. পূবভাৰতৰ বৈষ্ণৱ পদাৱলীত মহাপুৰুষ শংকৰদেৱৰ বৰগীতৰ স্থান ।

5. 'মায়ঙৰ লোকগীত'

Research Project(Minor) 2017

মায়ঙৰ লোকগীত : এটি বিশ্লেষনাত্মক অধ্যয়ন



7th - 13th June: 2018

Research Methodology at Guwahati College


1. 'মায়ঙৰ লোকসহিত্য' এটি বিশ্লেষনাত্মক অধ্যয়ন

গ্ৰন্থ : স্বপ্ন মাজিকাৰ স্বপ্ন

সম্পাদক : তুমণি গোস্বামী

প্ৰকাশক : জাীৰোড শাখা লেখিকা সমাৰোহ সমিতি, 29th January, 2018

2. 'গুৰুচিত কথাৰ স্থাননাম : এটি ভাষাতাত্বিক সমালোচনা'

Journal: Excellence International Journal of Education and Research

ISSN: 2349-8838

UGC Approved Journal No. 46014

Volume: 5 Issue: 3, March, 2018

3. মায়ঙৰ লোকগীত : এটি বিশ্লেষনাত্মক অধ্যয়ন

গ্ৰন্থ : মায়ঙীয়া লোকসাহিত্যৰ মৌকোঁহ

সাহিত্য চ'ৰা, অসমীয়া বিভাগ, মায়ং আঞ্চলিক মহাবিদ্যালয়



1. মহাপুৰুষ শংকৰদেৱৰ ধৰ্ম আৰু দৰ্শন : এটি বিশ্লেষনাত্মক অধ্যয়ন ( Natioanl Seminar, 29/30th March, 2019)

2. মায়ং আঞ্চলৰ পটভূমিত নাৰী সৱলীকৰণ : এটি ক্ষেত্ৰভিত্তিক অধ্যয়ন (Natioanl Seminar, 6/7th April, 2019)


1. Workshop on Choice Base Credit System, Organised by IQAC, Jagiroad College, 09-05-2019

2. Revised Assessment and Accreditation Framework and Compilation of Self Study Report(SSR), 4th June, 2019

3. Article:

1. অসমীয়া সমাজ আৰু সাহিত্যত নাৰীৰ স্থান : এটি চমু অৱলোকন

Sanghati, 7th Years

Vol-1, March-2019

ISSN: 2319-7366

Editor: Dr. Har Kumar Nath



Presented a paper in a seminar "Paramparagata Lokasikitsatnarir Bhumika: Rajamayang Anchalar Eti Kshetra Bhittik Adhayana’ 7th and 8th February 2020 ,organized by Mayang Anchalik College (Maulana Abul Kalam Azad institute of Assian studies ,Kolkata.

Seminar cum Lecture programme Identity politics and Regionalism in Assam 27th April 2019

Certificate Course:

1.Certificate course on ‘Digital Teaching Techniques 29th June 2020 to 4 Jily 2020 ICT academy.(online)


1. FDP on Electronic Publishing Tools for E-Learning (online )on 2 June ICT academy

2.FDP on Stress Management (Online ) 28 April to 2 May 2020


26 July 2020 Intellectual property rights ( IPR) By Mayang Anchalik College

Publication ISBN:

Sanjiwani Volume 1, Issue 1 November 2020, ISBN 978-81-948413-3-3

Editor: Dr. Nandita Goswami

Dr.Safiqur Rahman

Topic: Mahapurush Sankar Devar Dharma aru Darsan


Punyadipa, Editor :IngkumoniKakati,Kumkum Borah

Topic: Mahapurush Sankar Devar Dharma aru Darsan


Participated at UGC sponsored Refresher course (online Mode ) on Language, Comparative Literature & cultural studies (Indian Language and Assamese) 12th to 25th November 2020.


1. Coordinator: COVID -19: A gender Analysis,Prof.AlponaBorgohain 27 July 2020.

2. Participated a webinar on” The future skills- Education,Employment&Enterpreneurship, 11 May -15 May.ICT Academy.

3. Participated a webinar on” Future Tech 2020” , ICT Academy, 18 May -22 May.2020

4. Participated a webinar on” Accelerating Industry 4.0-A post COVID Paradigm”, ICT Academy, 25 May-29 May 2020.

5. Participated Super Session on “Improving the Skill Set & Changing the Attitude”, ICT Academy, 5 June 2020.

6. Participated Super Session on “Personal Financial Management”, ICT Academy, 20 May 2020.

7. Participated a webinar on” Webinar on Biodiversity” Mayang Anchalik College, 5 June 2020.

8. Participated a webinar on” Building A Sustainable Future”, ICT Academy, 12 June 2020.

9. Participated aInternational webinar on” State of Education during COVID- 19 Pandemic in Morocco” ,KarmasreeHiteswarSaikia College, 13th June 2020.

10. Participated a webinar on” BaghjanCrisis :A Historical Reflection” Mayang Anchalik College, 16th June 2020.

11. Participated aInternational webinar on” Pandemic ,Life and Development : Present Challenges And Futuristic Resilience of Humankind”, Morigaon College , 17th& 24th June 2020.

12. Participated a Super Session on “ Future Education “, ICT Academy, 18th June 2020.

13. Participated aInternational webinar on” Youth and the New Normal Era” Mayang Anchalik College, 19th June 2020.

14. Participated a national webinar on” COVID-19 Pandemic and Reverse Migration – The Way Forward for Rural India” Mankachar College ,23rd June 2020.

15. Participated a International webinar on”COVID -19 and its impact of Higher Education and Academics in the United States” ,KarmasreeHiteswarSaikia College,25th June, 2020.

16. Participated aInternational webinar on”COVID-19 Pandemic: War , Peace- building and Conflict Resolution” ,KarmasreeHiteswarSaikia College,26th June, 2020.

17. Participated a national webinar on” BiswarSampratikPrekshapatatAsamiyaBhasa –SahityarBartamanaruBhabishyat”KarmasreeHiteswarSaikia College,28th June, 2020.

18. Participated a webinar on” Mental Health During Lockdown Period” Beltola College, 29th

19. Participated a Expert Talk “Future of Higher Education – Nine Mega Trends” ICT Academy, 30th June 2020.

20. Participated a national webinar on” Pandemic Effect in India: Educational ,Social and Mental Health Challenges  and Opportunities” Mayang Anchalik College, 6th July 2020.

21. Participated a national webinar on” SAmajikMadham COVID mahamari aaruAxamiya Sahitya , 9th July 2020.

22. Participated a webinar on” Fostering UBA, A Commitment of HEI’s Beyond Campus “Sonapur College, 7th July 2020.

23. Six day International Multidisciplinary Webinar and Panel Discussion Programme on “Pandemic and Novel Challenges : Regionalism, Nationalism and Universalism in the context of Human Civilization”, Morigaon College, 9th- 14th July 2020.

24. Participated a national webinaron”BaidutinMadhyamaruAsamiyaBhasaloi Aha Protyahban , Mayang Anchalik College, 10th July 2020.

25. Participated aInternational webinar on” Exploring the Mayang Mystics : The Tantrik Knowledge Tradition in Practice”,  Mayang Anchalik College.

26. Participated a national webinar on” Awareness Program on Online E- Resources” Batadraba  S.S. College Nagaon ,12th July,2020.

27. Participated a national webinar on”Media During COVID-19: Saviour or Terror Monger “, NarengiAnchalik College, 13th July 2020.

28. Participated awebinar on”Stragies for Post COVID-19 NAAC Assessment of colleges”, Kaliabor College, 18th

29. Participated a national webinar on” COVID- 19 Health Crisis: A Yogic Approach to Peaceful and Blissful Living”, Charaibahi College, Morigaon, 20th July 2020’

30. Participated a national webinar on”Atmanirbhar Assam through Entrepreneurship : Challenges and Opportunities” Mayang Anchalik College, 25th July 2020.

31. Participated a national webinar on” BiswayanarPrabhabatAsomiyaBhasa –SahityarBhabisyat”, Charaibahi College 27th July 2020.

32. Participated a national webinar on”The Language , Literature and Culture of Rabha Tribe of Assam” Dudhnoi College, 30th July 2020’

33. Participated in the two day national webinar on” Modern Thoughts & Practices of Assamese Linguistics Study”, Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit and Ancient Studies University , 1st& 2nd August 2020.

34. Participated a national webinar on”The role of Translation in the Study of Comparative Literature “ Chaiduar College, 6th August 2020.

35. Participated a National poet Meet “ Kabya Rajani” Mayang Anchalik College, 8th August 2020.

36. Participated a national webinar on” The Historical and Social Roles of Literature “, Chaiduar College, 16th August 2020.

37. Participated a webinar on” Career Development with Foreign Language Skills ,With a Special Reference to Japanese “ Tinsukia College, 21st August 2020.



Publication (UGC Care List)

DOGORANGSANG (Research Journal) Voll.VII, Issue XIV July 2021

ISSN: 12347-7180

Chif Editor :Dr.Upen Rabha Hakasham

Topic: Srimanta Sankar Devar Dharma Sangrakshanaru Sangbardhanat Narir Bhumika


1. Presented a paper, National Seminar 6th& 7th August 2021 Bir Raghab Moran Government Model College ,Doomdooma ‘ Sampratikasamiyacutigalpatsamajikabakshayarcitra ( ArupaPatangiyaKalitaar ‘Deupahararbhagnastupatgalparbiseshullikhanere)(online)


1. Participated at National Workshop (online ) ‘What and how of protection Intelectual property rights ‘ 10th May 2021

2. Participated at National Workshop (online ) ‘Transformation through NAAC Accreditation Process’ 21st& 22nd June 2021 IAE institute for Academic Excellence

3. Participated Participated at International Workshop (online ) 30th June – 1 July 2021 Moran college ‘Essential skills and moral Values for career Development of Teachers

4. Participated at Workshop ( online ) 9th July 2021 Mayang Anchalik College’ Understanding E- Resources and it’s use in Academic and research work.


1. Participated at webinar on “The Antropocere Earth and Environment “ 5 June 2021 Mayang Anchalik College.

2. Participated at webinar on“Preparation in the higher Educational Institutions to Apply for the First Time NAAC Acredition,” Beltola College, 9th June 2021.

3. Participated at  International webinar on “Pedagogy of Performative Silence” Digboi College ,26th June 2021.

4. Participated at national webinar on International Day against Drug abuse and Illicit Trafficking. NarengiAnchalik College, 26th June 2021

5. Participated at national webinar on “Preparation of Research article for Indexed journals ,” Morigaon College, 5th July 2021.

6. Participated at national webinar on “ Galpar katha , path, Parhuwai, Pratistha" Mayang Anchalik College, 18 July 2021.

7. Participated at national webinar on “ Assam’s Response to the Bengal Partition of 1905” Mayang Anchalik College ,28 July 2021.

8. Participated at national webinar on “ Global Impact of COVID-19 in the political Arena ,Mayang Anchalik College, 14th August 2021.

9. Participated at national webinar on “Life Skill for Youth” SreeKhasgatesh College of Arts Commerce and Science.

Gest Lecture:

1. NarengiCridaSantha – Silpi Divas 17th January 2012

2. JagiroadLekhikaSamaroh -8th October 2018

3. JagiroadLekhikaSamaroh- 8th March 2019

4. JamugurihatDharmalochana Sabha- 12 March 2020