a) The pass marks in each paper is 30% of total marks in the paper (External + internal).
b) A Student who fails in one or more papers should repeat the papers by attending all the classes and by appearing for internal as well as external examinations in the next examination. A student shall get 3 chances for clearing the papers within five years from the date of admission to the degree programme.
c) A Student who has completed a semester may be allowed to proceed to the next semester irrespective of the number of papers in which he/she failed.
d)In order to complete a course a student must obtain pass marks in all the papers in the semesters offered in the concerned course ( PG or UG).
e) A Student who fails in elective papers may be allowed to replace them by other elective papers of the same credit after obtaining prior approval from the department. For this, the procedure for repeating (as in 2. above) would be applicable.
f) Students who secure that lowest grade (viz. E grade) may be given the option to repeat by following the procedure for repeating (as in 2 above).
Cumulative Performance Index (CPI)
The final result of a four semester course is expressed as the average grade points obtained by the student in the entire course:
CPI= {(CPA) Sem I + (GPA) Sem II+ (GPA) Sem III+ (GPA) Sem IV}/4
Conversion formula: For grades to percentage of marks for humanities and Social Sciences :For CGPA up to 9.5:(5x CGPA) +20
For CGPA up to 9.5 : (5x CGPA) -550
For Class-I minimum CGPA required is 8 For Class-II minimum CGPA required is 5
For other subjects/ discipline.
For CGPA up to 9.00: (lOx CGPA)-5 For CGPA up to 9.00: (15x CGPA)-50
In order to qualify for a PG degree, a student must secure a minimum CGPA of 5.00 (Equivalent to 45% marks).
Note : The aforementioned Rules & Regulations of the University are subject to change from time to time. Students are therefore asked to visit the University website www.gauhati.ac.in to know the latest changes.