Name of the Professor : Kabita Medhi
Designation : Assistant Professor
Department Name : Education
Basic Information
a.  Date of birth 15-01-1969
b.  Address(Present) Mayang Anchalik College, Rajamayang, Morigaon , Assam
c.  Address (Permanent) Hatimuria, P.O.- Rajamayang, Dist.- Morigaon, Assam
d.  Date of appointment 22-02-1994
e.  Designation Assistant Professor
f.  Membership a.Lifetime member of Asom Sahitya Sabha
b.Member of Women Cell, Mayong, Police Station, Morigaon, Assam


Academic information
a. Educational Qualification M.A., M.Phil
b. Area of Specialization Organization and Administration
Research Works
Title of M.Phil Thesis A Study on the Provision of co- curricular activities and its impact on the students of Secondary School of Mayang area under Mayang Development Block, Morigaon, Assam
Minor/ Major Research Projects : Minor
Year of grant received Amount sanctioned
2014 1,15,000/-
Professional Development Course
Course Sponsored Organized Year
Orientation Programme Ministry of human Resource Development UGC Academic Staff College, Gauhati University. 26th February to 25th March, 2015
Refresher Course Ministry of human Resource Development UGC Academic Staff College, Gauhati University. 27th November to 10th December, 2019

Publications :

Research Paper :

Title Name of Journal Impact Factor ISSN/ISBN
1.     Women empowerment through self-help group with reference to the SHGs of Mayang  Development Block, Morigaon, Assam.

2.     A study on challenges for women Empowerment.

3.     A  study of the provision of co-curricular activities and its impact on the student of Secondary School.

4.     Child labour causes and law.

5.     MohilaSabalikaran: Ek Pratyahban

Sampriti: National Research Journal




International Journal


International Journal




International Journal

State Journal


















ISSN 2349-8838


ISSN 2349-8838




ISSN 2277-5730

ISSN 2319-7366

Others Publications:

Article Name of the Book Year ISSN/ISBN

1.     Educational status of  rural women and its impact on Rural Development. – A study of Mayang Development Block, Morigaon, Assam.

2.     In service Teacher education in Assam.



3.     Environmental Degradation and Sustainable Development Issues.



4.     Mayangr Hatimuria Anchalor Aai Naam.



5.  Bohag bihur lagot jarita ritiniti.





6.Parjyatanr anya ek khetra: Hatimuria (Mayang)

An edited volume of research articles of North-East India



Teacher Education in Assam An anthology of Articles.

Environment: Emergency Problems and

Management. Part-II


Mayangia Lok Sahityar Moukonh-201


Bihuwan: Chandrapur Anchalik Bihu SanmilanirMukh Patra.

Pobitara:  Paribekh/ Ban BikhayakBarkhikSankalan


























ISBN 978-93-82495-99-4












Title of the research papers published in National/International Seminar Proceeding Volumes by the Faculty

Title Name of Journal ISSN/ISBN
1. Growth and development of Secondary Education in Assam. Proceeding volume of the UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Writings of Regional History of North East India (Policy,society and economy),Mayang Anchalik College,2015 ISBN-978-93-81859-33-9
2. A study of issues and Challenges in Empowerment of Women through their Participation in present Panchayati Raj:A case study of MorigaonDistrict,Assam Proceeding volume of the UGC sponsored National Seminar on Panchayati Raj and Rural Development in India, Problems and Prospect, Sunapur College,2015 ISBN-13-978-81-932752-0-7
3. A study on challenges for Women Empowerment Proceeding volume of the UGC sponsored National Conference on “Emerging Issues Challenges in Indian Education System and its Remedies”Nanoi  College,2016 ISBN-978-81-202-8827-0

Articles Published in books/journals/magazine/souvenir etc:

Sl.No Title of the article with page no Name of the book/journal /magazine/souvenir ISSN/ISBN Date of publication
1 Urudignata Sishuaru AAmi Magazine “Pragati” (1st edition),Mayang Anchalik College magazine Academic Session-2013-14
2 Mur Dristit Sradhar Dipan Chandra Nath Souvenir “Mayang KhanikarDipan Ch. Nath 2013-14
3 Student Unrest and Responsibility of Parents, Pp - 157-159 Magazine “Pragati” (1st edition),Mayang Anchalik College magazine Academic Session-2014-15
4 Cello –Phone and its effects upon student,Pp-103-105 Magazine “Pragati” (2nd edition),Mayang Anchalik College magazine Academic Session-2015-16
5 Genetically modified Food and our Eco system,Pp-109- Souvenir “Acadmia”,op-104,ASC,GU ISBN-978-93-5104-179-5 March 2015
6 Educational Status of Rural Women and its impact on Rural Development: A   study of MorigaonDevt. Block,Morigaon,Pp-168-177 Edited Volume of Research, ”Women  in the North-Eastern States: An Exclusive study on the issues of women” Edited by Jayanta Baruah ISBN-978-93-82495-99-7 Published by APPOCCUS March-2015
7 Women Empowerment through SHG,s with special reference to the SHG,s of Mayang  Devt. Block,Morigaon Distric,Pp-109-116 Peer Reviewed National Research Journal “Sampriti” ISSN-2454-3837 Edited by  Dhiraj Patar March,2016
8 In Service Teacher Education in Assam,Pp-43-49 Edited volume of Articles “Teacher Education in Assam” INSB-978-81-92955-53-7 Purbayon Publication, Guwahati, December-2016
9 MayangarHatimuriaAnchalar Ainam,Pp-50-59 A collection of Articles and Folk Literature of Mayang “Mayagiya Lok SahityarMoukonh” ISBN-978-93-5291-452-4 Publisher Green view Enterprise, August-2017
10 A study on Challenge for Women Empowerment Peer reviewed and refereed International Journal “Excellence International Journal of Education and research ISSN-2349-8838

Impact Factor-4.565

12 A study of the provision of Co-curricular Activities and its impact on students of the Secondary School,Pp-157-163 A peer reviewed and refereed International Journal “Excellence International Journal of Education and research” ISSN-2349-8838
Impact factor:5.088
2th Feb.2018
13 Environmental Degradation and Sustainable Development: Issues and Challnges,Pp-46-51 A Comprehensive book on Environment for Graduation Course “Environment, Emerging Problem and  Management ISBN-978-81-935219-1-5 January 2018
15 Bahag Bihur Lagat Jarita Riti Niti, Pp-68-70 Mouth pice of Chandapur Anchalik Bihu Sanmillan “Bihuan” 2018
16 Parjatanar Anya Ek Khetra Hatimuria, Pp-109-111 Early volume on Environment and Forest Topic “Pobitara” 2018
17 Child Labour :causes and low,Pp-27-32 A peer reviewed and refereed and UGC listed journal “ Ajanta” Journal no.40776
Impact factor: 5.5
18 BahankhamUnyayanatJaibikKrishir Bhumika, Pp-164-166 A peer reviewed and refereed and UGC listed journal “ Ajanta” Journal no.40776
Impact factor: 5.5
April-June 2019
19 Self composed poem “Badana”,Pp-37 A Bi-Monthly Poetry and  Poetical Magazine “ AjirKabita” Nov.-2019
20 MohilaSabolikaran Ek Patyahban, Pp- State Journal, “Sanghati” ISSN-2319-7366 2019
21 Impact of Mid-day Meals Programme on Enrolment of primary School Children A collection of research papers, articles on Humanities, Management & social science “FRAME” Vol-1 : Issue-1 ISBN-978-81-948413-1-9 October 2020
22 Sri Srisankardevr Jiban DarshanatPratifalitHuwaSiksherNaitik, Arthonaitik, Manawata  Aru Paribeshxasetanatar Dis A collection of research papers, articles on Humanities. “SANJIVANI” Vol-1 : Issue-1 ISBN-978-81-948413-3-3 Nov.2020
23 Causes of Environmental Degradation Environment: Emerging Problems and Management, Volume: VI, Part- I ISBN-978-81-953307-4-4 December-2021

National / International Seminar Attended :

Title of Research Paper presented  Level Organizing institution Date of Seminar
1.Participated Worksh  op on Research Project Writing National (UGC) S.B. Deorah College , Gauhati May 9-10 ,2014
2. Participated seminar cum workshop on Innovative Practice in Teaching-learning ICT Integration in classroom Teaching State IQAC, College of Education, Nagaon May 3rd 2014
3. Participated seminar on Human Security in the 21st Century India with special reference to north east National Morigaon College Oct.11th 2014
4.Changing Scenario in Higher Education with special reference to women of Morigaon District National University of Science and Technology,Meghalaya 4th January 2015
4. Growth and Development of Secondary Education in Assam National
Department of History and Economics, Mayang Anchalik College 26th and 27th June 2015
5. A study of issues and Challenges in Empowerment of women  through their participation in present Panchayati Raj: A  case study of Morigaon district National
Department of Economics , Sunapur College 13th and 14th Nov. 2015
6.Participated Workshop on Relevance of Spiritual Knowledge in Higher Education National IQAC, Charaibahi College 3rd February- 2016
7. Participated in Conference and Seminar on Asom Vidya International Modern Indian Languages and Literature Studies, GU 26th and 27th Feb. 2016
8. Participated Seminar on Fund Mobilization and Training Programme of MSME in  Assam National Department of Economics, D.K. girls’ College, Mirza 21st and 22nd June-2016
9. Paper presented “Environmental Degradation and sustainable Devt: Issues and Challenges” National
Dept. of Geography, Samaguri College 23rd and 24th Sept.-2016
10. Paper presented entitled “A study on Challenges for Women Empowerment” National Conference (UGC) Dept. of Education , Nonoi College Oct.- 2016
11. Participatd Seminar on  “ teacher as Motivators and Counselors on the occasion of North East Graduate Congress National University of Science Technology, Maghalaya 17th-19th Feb.2017
12. Participated workshop on ArsionNilogan and Fluoride Nilogan National Tezpur,  University 24th and25th Feb.2018
13. Participated in the workshop on Research Methodology National Guwahati College 7th-13th June 2018
14. Participated workshop on “ Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Intellectual Property Right” State Morigaon College 7th Sept. 2019
15. Participated workshop on Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC State IQAC,MayangAnchalik College 4th sep.2019
16. Paper Presented entitled “A study on the role of SHGs in Women Empowerment” National L.C.B. College ,Gawahati 6th and 7th April ,2019
17. Participated in the one week Faculty devt. Programme on  ‘Use of ICT Tools for classroom Teaching” National E and ICT Academy IIT Guwahati with IQAS K.H.S. College, Guwahati 24th-29th June 2019
18. Participated Departmental Seminar cum Lecture Programme on Identity Politics and Regionalism in Assam Department of Political Science, Mayang  Anchalik C0llege 27th April 2019
19. Participated FDP “Enterpreneurship Development Institute of India” Mayang  Anchalik  College 10th-23rd Dec.2019
20. Paper presented entitled “Mur Aru Bayurugaru Mantra Sikitsar Parampara” National Mayang Anchalk College 7th to 8th Feb.2020
21. Participation Season 5 of Skycampus on the theme of the Future of skills- Education, Employment& entrepreneurship Skycampus ICT academy 11May 2020
22. Participation Season 5 of Skycampus on the theme of the Future of skills- Education, Employment& entrepreneurship Skycampus ICT academy 12May 2020
23. Participation Season 5 of Skycampus on the theme of the Future of skills- Education, Employment& entrepreneurship Skycampus ICT academy 13May to 15May 2020
24. Participation season 6 of skycampus on the theme Future Tech 2020 Skycampus ICT Academy 18 May to 22May 2020
25. Participation season 7 skycampus on the theme “ Accelerating Industry 4.0 –a post Covid Paradigm Skycampus ICT Academy 26May to 29May 2020
27. Participation in the Insightful Friday skycampus Digital Knowledge Webinar Series Skycampus Skycampus 5 june 2020
30. Participation in the webinar on Biodiversity IQAC, Mayang Anchalik College 5 June 2020
31. Participating in the online super session on improving Skill set & Changing the Attitude Skycampus Skycampus 5 June 2020
32. Participation in the webinar on “State of Education during Covid-19 pandemic in Morocco” International Webinar Karmashree Hiteswar Saikia College 13th June 2020
33.FDP on Curriculum Devt. & Implementation of Humanities & Social Science National National Council for Productive Education & Research, Aligarh, UP 10 to 16 June 2020
34. Participating in the webinar on “ Baghjan Crisis: A Historical Reflection” Dept. of History ,Mayang Anchalik College 16 June 2020
35. Participating in the webinar on “ Youth and New Normal Era” International Dept. of Economics ,Mayang Anchalik College 19 June 2020
36. Participating in the Workshop on Awareness Programme National Dept. of Education, Mazbat College 21 June 2020
37. Participating in the webinar on “Re- EnergingCovid Hit Economy of Assam” State IQAC, CINNAMARA, COLLEGE 24th June 2020
38. Participating in the webinar on “Mental health During Lock Down Period” State IQAC, Beltala College 29th June 2020
39. Participating one week online Certificate course on “ Digital Teaching techniques” National ICT Academy 29 June to 04 July 2020
40. Participating in ICT Academy Virtual Book Launch of “ Future of Education- Nine Mega Trends” National ICT Academy 30 June 2020
41.Participating in the webinar on “ Exploring the Mayang Mystics” International IQAC, Mayang Anchalik College June 2020
42. Participating in the webinar on “Atmanirbhar Assam Through Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunuties IQAC, Mayang Anchalik College 25 July 2020
43. Participating in the webinar on “Pandemic Effect in India: Educational, Social and Mental Health” National Dept. of Education. Mayang Anchalik College 6 July 2020
44. Participating in the webinar on “SamajikMadhyam, Covid Mahamari AaruAxomiya Sahitya” National Dept. of Assamese & IQAC. Mayang Anchalik College 9 July 2020
45. Participating in the webinar on “Covid-19 : A Gender Analysis” National IQAC, Mayang Anchalik College 27July2020
46. Participating in the webinar on “The Language, Literature and Culture of Rabh Tribe of Assam” National IQAC, Dudhnai College 30 July 2020
47. Participating in the workshop on” What and How of Protection Intellectual Property Rights” National Kaliabor College 10 May 2021
48. Participating in the webinar on ”World Blood Donor Day” National NSS Unit Narangi College 14th June 2021
49. Participating in the webinar on ”Preparation Research Articles for Indexed Journals” National IQAC ,Morigaon College 5th July 2021
50. Participating in the 10 hours online FDPon “ Stress Management (Online live FDP) ICT Academy 28 June to 02 July 2021
51. Participating in the webinar on” Population Explosion: A Threat to Sustainable Devt.” National Dept. of Political Science, Morigaon College 11July 2021
52. Participating in the one day workshop” Understanding E- Resources and it’s use in Academic and Research Work” Library, Mayang Anchalik College 9 July 2021
53. Participating in the webinar on “Environmental Ethics: Debates and Dimensions” IQAC, Beltala College 14 August 2021
54. . Participating in the webinar on “GalporKotha: Path, Prahuoi, Pratistha” Dept. Assamese& IQAC Mayang Anchalik College 16 July 2021
55. Participating in the webinar on “.Assam’s Response to the Bengal Partition of 1905” National Dept. History& IQAC Mayang Anchalik College 28 July 2021
56. Participating in the webinar on “Global Impact of Covid- 19 in the Political Arena” National Dept. Political Science& IQAC Mayang Anchalik College 14 August 2021
57. Participating in the webinar on “Identity Politics in assam: Then and Now National Dept. Political Science& IQAC Hatichong College 21 August 2021
58. Online FDP on “Higher Education In India: Challenges and Reform: International Rabindra nath Tagore University Sept. 6 to 11, 2021